Antistatic Reinforced Ducting

The SA CYCLONE Antistatic Ducting System is a highly flexible ducting designed to enable you to create a versatile ventilation system quickly in hazardous and extreme environments
The SA CYCLONE Antistatic Ducting System is a highly flexible ducting designed to enable you to create a versatile ventilation system quickly in hazardous and extreme environments. Suitable for use in EX Zones 1 and 2, the ducting is extremely tough yet extremely easy to use. Constructed from heavy duty polymer with an internal stainless steel helix, the ducting also inclued hanging loops and attachment straps at either one or both ends. In addition, the ducting is flame retardant, making it exceptionally safe in many different environments. The integrated carry bag further contributes to this product, along with complete compatibility with the other products in the SA CYCLONE range.