Simple Steps to Discover Faster Project Completion
Faster Offshore Working Through Smarter Heating: Three Essential Considerations
Everyone in the offshore industry knows the output of a high-volume platform, and the list of challenging tasks to be carried out to keep it running, won’t stop because winter weather is here.
This makes the use of high-performance heating more important than ever as the right solution brings faster completion times at a time of year when it matters most.
SA Equip offshore specialists have revealed three must-see heating factors for quicker, more efficient results:
1. Stop and Review
Better heating equipment can improve a project before it even begins.
For example, one North Shore operator needed 48 hours to bring an area to specified temperature was reduced to one hour by replacing lesser heaters with a single SA Flexiheat ATEX Heater.
2. Make Equipment Work Harder
Expect extreme results from heating equipment designed for extreme environments.
A platform’s drink water tank needed to be blasted and painted so, by running the right heater into the tank day and night to help drying after steam cleaning, it was back in use five days early.
3. Think Curing Times
Offshore professionals will already be very aware of how relative humidity slows work, stops painting and coatings from curing property and ultimately causes delays.
With only two solutions available – remove moisture or increase air temperature – the SA Flexiheat ATEX Heater has been used to reduce humidity by up to 20% points for every 10% increase in temperature.
Why Flexiheat ATEX Heater?
Flexiheat plug-and-play heating systems, including the SA Flexiheat Heating Jacket and SA Flexiheat High Power Heating Jacket, have offshore pedigree built into every unit (follow the links for full specification and compliance details).
They’re an innovation from SA Equip, who bring almost 100 years of pacesetting service, knowledge and in-house product development – with a foundation in the most extreme shipping and oil industry environments – to global clients across refining, shipping, aerospace, defence, utilities, pharmaceuticals, distilling, power stations and more.
This means SA Equip portable Heat, Light, Air and Power products have been proven offshore – and beyond – for almost a century.