SA Equip Climate Control Systems: Balancing Safety & Efficiency
Effective climate management on oil and gas project sites isn’t just a matter of comfort; it’s a critical component ensuring safe and smooth operations. That’s why our specialised ventilation and…

How to Winterproof Industrial Sites with SA Equip
As winter continues to descend on the UK, workers involved in industrial operations face unique challenges that can present major obstacles to both safety and productivity. In the latest learning…

SA HABITAT Systems: Redefining Safety in Hazardous Zones
Discover the pinnacle of safety and operational excellence with SA HABITAT Systems. Our innovative Positive and Negative Pressure Habitat Systems redefine safety in oil and gas operations. Engineered for EX…

How to Select the Right Lighting for Zone Gas and Dust Environments
Any professional team will be aware that creating a safe and well-illuminated work environment is crucial. This is especially true in areas where gas and dust hazards are present, where…

Why Managing Hydrogen Risk Starts With The Right Equipment
Thanks to hydrogen being seen as a cutting-edge energy source for the near future by many investors and businesses alike, as a topic it’s rarely far from the headlines. One…

Planning an Offshore Shutdown? Some Costly Errors to Avoid
Because cost-efficiency is more important than ever for oil and gas sector shutdown projects, we’ve compiled essential insights for superb shutdown equipment ROI.

Reducing Shutdown Impact Starts with the Right Equipment
Every offshore professional knows that a well-executed shutdown can avoid damaging delays, disruption and costs. This means a textbook shutdown begins with meticulous planning including the right equipment...

Expecting a Renewable Worksite? Plan ahead for These Risks
It would be too easy to think of a renewable energy plant as a safer worksite due to the absence of some traditional risk factors. But this is an incorrect,…

A Tragic Safety Reminder for All Site Owners
Like many of our clients working in heavy industries and manufacturing, we often study reports from workplace incidents to help understand how we can play an even bigger part in…

Working in the Petrochemicals Industry: Safety Begins Before You Arrive On-Site
Working in the Petrochemicals Industry: Safety Begins Before You Arrive On-Site